National Pi(π) Day in this Pizza Spots in New York
Yay! It’s almost National Pi Day. And since everyone dedicates their writings to what they like the most, we want to dedicate this post to pi(π)zza, which is undoubtedly a genuine New York dish. So we will focus in this post on those exquisite pizzas made, distributed, and eaten throughout New York. And yes, we also refer to the ovens in these amazing Food Trucks trucks that circulate everywhere and make our stomachs cry with happiness.
Aunque este día es más reconocido por darle cabida al pie, lo cierto es que la pizza ha cobrado especial importancia para quienes pretenden colarse en el National Pi Day. Por ende, nosotros nos enfocaremos en este post en aquellas exquisitas pizzas elaboradas, distribuidas y comidas por tooodo Nueva York. Y sí, nos referimos también a las salidas del horno en Food Trucks.
Pizza Vitale
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📍 Various locations. Please check the schedule here.
🍕 Available for Takeout
This is about an authentic traditional pizza from Napoli. And their surprise is the Lox on yo ‘Pizz, because it has the taste and everything of a bagel.
Auténtica pizza tradicional napolitana. Y la sorpresa para todos es que el sabor de un bagel también lo encuentras en su incomparable Lox on yo’ Pizz.
Panera Bread
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📍 Various locations in New York City & New York State
🍕 Available for Takeout, or Delivery
At Panera Bread, you can find a tasty, crunchy and lovely pizza called Flatbread. Perhaps, it has a traditional flavor, which you probably already know and it permits to you complement it with an equally essential drink. Best of all, some location is close to you.
La Flatbread posee un sabor tradicional, que seguramente ya conoces y que complementas con alguna bebida igualmente imprescindible. Lo mejor de todo es que Panera Bread tiene alguna locación está cerca de ti.
Abeetz Pizza
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📍 Now they are being closed until April 1st. Please check the schedule here.
🍕 Available for Takeout
So… they are still closed, but soon the spring will bring them back and ‘blooming’ with every delicious pizza they deliver to our hearts and stomachs, of course. And we recommend to you 2 pizzas: The Wifey and the Roni. Because are pretty awesome and they are our favs. Try them, if you trust us.
Aunque aún permanecen cerrados, la primavera los hará volver y florecer con cada deliciosa pizza que hagan llegar hasta nuestros estómagos. La Wifey y la Roni son nuestras favs. Pruébalas, si confías en nosotros.
Noble Kitchen & Cocktail
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📍 3112 Lawson Boulevard, Oceanside, New York
☎️ +516 600 9500
🍕 Available for Dine-in, Takeout, or Delivery
Ok, now you are Noble Kitchen. Keep walking and order some pizza, maybe those that take your view away. And then you will know that the only thing that makes a pizza amazing is when the cheese begins to melt and cover any space in the dough that has been left ‘no clothing’. And as you continue exploring you will see that the aesthetics and of the other ingredients are reflected in perfect condition. Well done.
Lo delicioso de cada pizza es cuando el queso comienza a derretirse y a cubrir cualquier espacio de la masa que haya quedado ‘sin prenda’. Y al continuar explorando verás que lo estético y finamente natural de los otros ingredientes se reflejan en perfecto estado. Entonces, sabrás que estás en Noble Kitchen.
Pizza Vita
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📍 7 Union Place | Summit
210 Hudson St | Jersey City
🚛 Food Truck
The Lutze | Jersey City
Pier 13 | Hoboken
☎️ 908-517-3909
🍕 Available for Dine-in, Takeout, or Delivery
Pizza Vita has an unbeatable Neapolitan flavor that will make you leave New York every time you remember their pizzas. Just scroll their feed on their social media and discover another world of amazing comfort food.
A veces no queremos salir de nuestra zona preferida. Pero Jersey siempre ha estado a la expectativa de atraerte y darte la mejor experiencia en sabor. No importa si es una pizza, una hamburguesa, un perro caliente o un ramen. Pero Pizza Vita, con un inmejorable sabor napolitano, te hará salir de Nueva York cada que recuerdes sus pizzas.
Mario’s Pizzeria of Westbury
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📍 253 Pine Hollow Road, Oyster Bay, NY 11771
☎️ (516) 922-9111
🍕 Available for Dine-in, Takeout, or Delivery
Ok, we are enthusiastic, but also very sincere. So we will speak to you with the truth of our senses. Mario’s Pizzas are so hypnotic. And they are so scandalous and have colorful ingredients. It is the perfect pizza for a publicity photo that requires no description.
Pizzas hipnóticas. Ingredientes escandalosos y coloridos. Es la pizza perfecta para una foto de publicidad que no requiere descripción. Hemos hablado con la verdad, y nada más que la verdad. Visita Mario’s Pizza.
Pizzabar 141
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📍 141 Woodbury Road, Woodbury, NY, 11797
☎️ (516) 629-5626
🍕 Available for Dine-in, Takeout, or Delivery
Written by Martha Flores from New Time Marketing.